Unplug: Set a time boundary

alarm clock

You’ve probably heard all the research (and even more than that, know from experience) how sitting with your eyeballs on a screen right before you go to bed makes it hard to fall asleep. So what’s the solution? Simple: don’t look at your phone (or computer, or ipad) before you go to bed. 

Simple, right? 

Or maybe not. There are a zillion (well maybe more like ten) reasons why trying to stay off your phone before sleepy time is not an easy thing. One way to make it easier, however, is to set a time that you aim to be off your screens each night. 

For me, that is 9 p.m. Right now, that time works for me because I wake up before 6 during the week, and want to have at least an hour and a half before turning off the light and actually sleeping. Pick a boundary for you that feels good and works with your schedule.  

The thing is, having a set time each day that you’ve decided to be off technology helps set up the habit of doing so—replacing the habits that may be keeping you up all hours, your whole being glued to the glowing screen in front of you. 

Obviously, you won’t ALWAYS be able to stay off a screen at your set time. The important thing is that you try to keep to your boundary. If you don’t, don’t beat yourself up—changing habits take time and there is always (goddess willing) tomorrow night.

This post was originally published in the Feb. 23 New Moon Reconnect. To receive the New Moon Reconnect each new moon, please sign up for our mailing list here.


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