Yoko in Mom Jeans: The fashion mag you didn't even know you wanted
This gorgeous illustration from my friend Mary documented the beginnings of our cat sporting mom jeans. The rest is history.
UPDATE: The first issue of Yoko in Mom Jeans, Light/Dark 2017, is now available on our online shop here!
We're SUPER pumped to announce our new foray into another realm of fashion, that of the printed page, with Yoko in Mom Jeans! Named after my first ever fashion blog (Yoko in Mom Jeans, which was named after our cat, Yoko), that later became a weird website where I wrote about my writing and projects like C.L.A.P. (Creative Ladies are Powerful), the new vision for Yoko in Mom Jeans is to be all about fashion, expression and creativity in a way that is anti-elitist while celebrating the good things in life.
Sound cool? Be sure to follow Yoko in Mom Jeans on Instagram @yokoinmomjeans for sneak peeks of what we will be covering, inspiration and other fun things as we undertake this new journey. Our goal is to publish biannually, on the solstices, so that our first issue is slated to come out June 20, 2017 (or there abouts as that is a Tuesday and Tuesdays are often crazy days for work). And now that I've written that, it is OFFICIAL and now we have to do it!
A little preview teaser for #fashionfor30: My outfit for March 30, 2017! Document your fashion spirit and tag #fashionfor30 and @yokoinmomjeans on Instagram to be featured in our premier issue!
Join us!
Want to get involved? The first issue is going to be focused on a lot of folks we know directly (including a lot about ourselves), because you gotta work with what you have and truthfully, we know a lot of rad people. That said, we love to get to know, and want to feature, rad people, shops and places we don't already know about so drop us a note at yoko@doublepeacestudio.com if you know of said radness! We'll also be sharing some of the pieces we're working on via the IG and will be encouraging others to join us, like #fashionfor30, where we will be documenting an outfit a day and its origin story through the month of April on @yokoinmomjeans. Sound like a fun challenge? Join us and tag #fashionfor30 and @yokoinmomjeans to be featured in the upcoming issue! And stay tuned for more info on where you can snag your very own premier issue of YOKO IN MOM JEANS!
Holly & Chris